Do you rejoice when you see lost souls come to Christ? Is your heart burdened when you see your loved ones living their lives without regard to becoming saved? Are you passionate enough to become the spiritual fisherman Jesus calls you to be? If you answered yes to these questions, then Have You Been Fishing Lately? is for you.
Have You Been Fishing Lately? teaches the importance of becoming a soul winner. This step-by-step guide to leading souls to Christ is written in a simple, unadorned language and is accessible to all Christians.
Pastor Angela R. Camon provides concrete tools and strategies for successfully spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ and offers motivational words that will help lift your spirits on the days when the fish aren’t biting.
As children of God, we must have compassion for the lost, just as Jesus did. Our spirits should be troubled knowing that there are people who die without ever knowing Jesus Christ. It is time that we, as men and women of God, get on our post and go out into the highways and hedges and compel the sinner to come to Jesus. It is time that we go fishing for souls.
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